“In good times people party, in bad times people ponder,” declares self-help guru Tony Robbins. If your business has slowed during the country’s coronavirus shutdown, you most likely have pondered how to jumpstart your sales and marketing efforts. Here are some immediate actions to take:
Read more »Sales Survival in an Anemic Economy
Even if you are the president of the United States, there isn’t much you can do to change world economic conditions. Instead of crying in your beer or just drinking more of it, what you can change is how you conduct your business. As my former boss (and former Marine) Gordon McAllister would say to encourage […] Read more »
Guardian Reusable Fabric Face Masks from Supply55, Inc.

Supply55, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Guardian reusable, sustainable, double layer fabric face masks for use in non-medical applications. Guardian reusable fabric face masks are the perfect solution for non-medical applications, delivery drivers, warehouse, food service, counter, construction, office, manufacturing, and other workers. Read more »
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
We wanted to make sure you are aware of the funding options available to small business as part of COVID-19 relief program. There are two (2) primary programs; Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan and Emergency Economic Injury Grants: Read more »