Supply55, Inc. a leading provider of unique value added products to the sign, screen and graphic arts market has been issued a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for BannerPRO.
BannerPRO is a banner welding system which offers digital print facilities the ability to fabricate perimeter hems, pole pockets and pocket signs in-house. Stan Jelic of Jelic Patent Services, LLC summed up the BannerPRO patent “The BannerPRO patent further validates the design concepts and technology used in BannerPRO”. Priced at a fraction of the cost of other welding systems, BannerPRO provides the user with direct savings by eliminating the need for banner tape.
Additional information is available on the Supply55 website at or by calling Supply55 at 734-668-0755 | 877-550-5590.
About Supply55 – Supply55, Inc. was founded to provide unique value added products to the sign, screen and graphic arts trade.
All Supply55 products are selected, evaluated and brought to market with the simple goal of reducing end-user operating costs while improving the workflow and quality of the end-users finished product. Supply55 products are sold exclusively through a select group of value added dealers in North America, Latin America and Europe.
About Jelic Patent Services, LLC – Jelic Patent Services, LLC is a registered patent agent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Other company names and products mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.