
MediaGRIP™ is an affordable, easy to use workholding device developed by Supply55 to assist with cutting media on two axes, thus freeing up your hands and saving time on production. The intuitive design of MediaGRIP makes for quick and easy use, installation, and removal.

MediaGRIP is ideal for accurately cutting labels, heat transfer material, and multiple prints. Solid, all steel construction ensures that your MediaGRIP is built to last.

More Information: Click Here


  • All steel component construction
  • Rubber grip
  • Adjustable grip placement
  • Easy to install table bracket


MediaGRIP Align+Clamp

Align & Clamp

Quickly and easily secure your media to your work table for fabrication and cutting.

MediaGRIP Cut Horiz

Cut Horizontal Axis

After securing your media, complete your horizontal axis cuts.

MediaGRIP Cut Vert

Cut Vertical Axis

Upon completing all horizontal cuts, proceed to vertical cuts. Start at the margin furthest from MediaGRIP, working towards the clamp progressively.